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Roll Damping System: Turkey’s First National Innovation

Roll Damping System: Turkey’s First National Innovation

Roll Damping System: Turkey’s First National Innovation

**Turkey has made a significant leap in its defense capabilities with the introduction of its first domestic Roll Damping System, developed through a collaboration between STM Defense Technologies Engineering and Trade Inc. and Robotek Automation Technologies LTD. This innovative system has successfully received product certification from Türk Loydu, marking a notable milestone for the nation’s shipbuilding industry.**

The Roll Damping System is a groundbreaking achievement as it represents Turkey’s first fully domestic and national product in this category. Previously reliant on foreign technology, STM and Robotek worked together to localize the system, ensuring that it can now be used on vessels certified by various international classification agencies, including Türk Loydu.


Designed to combat the forces faced by surface warfare vessels in adverse conditions such as wind, waves, and storms, this system enhances the operational capabilities of ships, allowing them to maintain combat readiness even in challenging environments. By using local resources for the development of this system, Turkey underscores its commitment to self-sufficiency and innovation in its defense sector.

The successful design and production phases of the Roll Damping System have led to its integration into two corvettes as part of an export initiative spearheaded by STM. This marks the first instance of a domestic firm utilizing national resources in an export project, further solidifying Turkey’s growing reputation in the global defense market.

In addition to its deployment on corvettes, the Roll Damping System is set to feature in the MİLGEM İ-class frigates as part of Turkey’s national frigate project. This expansion illustrates the system’s versatility and importance within Turkey’s naval operations.

The main purpose of the Roll Damping System is to enhance ship performance in rough seas by providing resistance against excessive rolling. This capability is crucial for ensuring the safety and efficiency of personnel on board, enabling vessels to navigate difficult waters during both peacetime and combat situations.

Moreover, the Roll Damping System plays a vital role in stabilizing weapons during helicopter operations and in the logistical transfer of supplies and personnel at sea. Its robust design is tailored to withstand harsh maritime conditions, while its automatic and adaptive features ensure optimal performance under various operational scenarios.

In a related development, partnerships among MKE, TAIS Shipyards, and STM have emerged, focusing on the advancement of a national marine cannon, further bolstering Turkey’s defense capabilities and showcasing the country’s commitment to developing indigenous military technologies.


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