Regional countries must now realize the dangers that await them in the future. The way out of this is to establish strong alliances in the fields of security, defense, economy, and development. Turkey, Baghdad, and Damascus are on the verge of forming a tripartite alliance under the name of the Tigris-Euphrates Alliance. This needs to be expanded. Why not, for example, an “Eastern Mediterranean Alliance”? Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Cyprus, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, and Algeria should form an alliance.
Gaza, Lebanon, and Now Egypt and Jordan
Readers who follow this column will recall that since the Gaza war began, I have persistently emphasized, even cried out, that Israel’s occupation and aggression would not be limited to Gaza and that all regional countries are in danger.
Indeed, after Gaza, Israel occupied parts of Lebanon and Syria. It didn’t stop there; it also carried out airstrikes in Yemen, Iraq, and Iran.
Now, U.S. President Trump wants to push Palestinians from Gaza into Egypt and Jordan. Despite their refusal, he insists, “They will take the Palestinians, they will take them.” This is essentially a threat.
Can you believe it? Nearly 2 million Palestinians will be forced into Jordan and Egypt, and Gaza will be annexed by Israel. Let me note that this desire for expulsion is not limited to Gaza; it also includes Palestinians in the West Bank.
Egypt and Jordan, I assume, are engaging in compromise talks to avoid this pressure from the U.S. and Israel. They think this will prevent 2 million refugees from being sent to their countries. Lebanon also held compromise talks with France and the U.S., but it couldn’t stop the occupation and destruction of the country.
These countries must understand that Israel never abandons its goals; it only delays and spreads them over time.
Israel’s geopolitical goal, the “Promised Land” project, has now become a geopolitical target for evangelical factions within the U.S. and Jews who believe in Zionism. This means Israel’s expansionist and occupation ambitions, once hidden, have now become a military project. Therefore, in the Pentagon, Tel Aviv, and the White House, medium and long-term strategic goals for our region are being drawn according to this utopia.
In this situation, sitting down and trying to negotiate with Israel and the U.S. will not prevent occupation and destruction. The only way to stop this is through regional alliances and broad-based unity. Nothing but a united regional bloc can halt the expansionism of Israel and the U.S.

If Egypt and Jordan accept the expelled Palestinians, they will make one of the biggest mistakes in history. Not only because of the economic and social crises that will erupt in their own countries, but also because they will be opening up new areas for Israel by vacating Palestinian lands, placing them in an unforgivable position in the Islamic world. This will trigger internal opposition, chaos, and turmoil, as well as negatively affect their collaborations and relations with other countries. Ultimately, both countries will be pushed into serious instability.
This instability will serve Israel and the U.S., leading to the occupation of parts of these countries under the pretext of “security.” I would be surprised if Israel and the U.S. haven’t already planned to occupy parts of Egypt’s Sinai region and Jordan’s border with Israel under the guise of buffer zones.
Believe me, this bad scenario won’t end here. The U.S. will later pressure Saudi Arabia to meet Israel’s energy needs. If it refuses, the U.S. will threaten to freeze assets, impose sanctions, raise tariffs, and remove protective shields.
The new Syrian administration will be pressured to cede the Golan Heights and the newly occupied water-rich Hermon region to Israel. If it refuses to hand over these already de facto occupied areas, the U.S. will threaten to expand military occupation, refuse to recognize the new government, label it as terrorist, and paralyze it with sanctions.
In Lebanon, they will eye the southern territories of the newly established state. Under the pretext of buffer zones and safe areas, occupations will expand.
In Cyprus, there will be pressure to establish more military bases to strengthen Israel’s security in the Eastern Mediterranean, and Turkey will be threatened with economic destabilization if it doesn’t normalize relations with Israel…
In short, just as they didn’t stop in Gaza and Lebanon, they won’t stop in Egypt and Jordan either.
Think about it: Trump wants to buy Greenland, turn Canada into a state, take over the Panama Canal, and interfere in the internal politics of Germany and the UK. Do you really think a U.S. administration that does all this won’t do what I’ve described in the Middle East?
Regional countries must now realize the dangers that await them in the future. The way out of this is to establish strong alliances in the fields of security, defense, economy, and development. We must bring the theory of interlocking circles, which I mentioned in my last article, to our agenda. Turkey, Baghdad, and Damascus are on the verge of forming a tripartite alliance under the name of the Tigris-Euphrates Alliance. This needs to be expanded. Why not, for example, an “Eastern Mediterranean Alliance”? Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Cyprus, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, and Algeria should form an alliance. European countries whose relations with the U.S. are rapidly deteriorating could also join this alliance. Spain, Italy, Malta, Greece, and even France…
The ancient countries of Mediterranean civilization, using their shared cultures and histories, can stand against the expansionist ambitions of the U.S. and Israel.
February 8, 2025
Kemal Öztürk